We've converted 2,759,763,018 files
Drag & Drop Image Here
This is a free unlimited online tool where you can convert unlimited WebP images to PNG format in one go while applying proper compression methods. Unlike other services, this tool does not ask for your email address, offers mass conversion, and allows files up to 50 MB.
Click the UPLOAD FILES button and select unlimited .webp images you wish to convert—there is no restriction. You can also drag files to the drop area to start uploading.
Take a break now and let our tool upload your files and convert them one by one, automatically choosing the proper compression parameters for every file.

High Quality
Convert your images to different formats without losing quality. Our tool ensures your images remain sharp and clear.

Fast Conversion
Experience lightning-fast conversions with our highly efficient tool. Convert images in seconds!

Easy to Use
Our user-friendly interface makes it simple for anyone to convert images. Just upload, select the desired format, and download!

Cross Platform
Our tool is web-based and works on any platform including Windows, Linux, and Mac. No software installation required.

Privacy Ensured
Your images are processed with end-to-end encryption and deleted automatically within 6 hours for your privacy and security.

Free Tool
Enjoy unlimited image conversions for free. No hidden fees, no registrations, and no watermarks.
How to convert WebP files to PNG for free?
Converting WebP to PNG is a simple way to optimize your images for better performance and compatibility. PNG files are great for high-quality images with transparency, but they can be large in size. JPG files are smaller and load faster, making them perfect for websites and sharing.
To convert WebP to PNG for free, use our tool imagecompressors to convert unlimited WebP to PNG. Simply upload your PNG files, and they will be converted to PNG instantly.
Our free tool on this page also offers quick WebP to PNG conversion without any registration or watermarks. Just drag and drop your WebP files, and download the converted PNGs. Convert your images today for faster loading times and better compatibility!
How to Convert WebP to PNG?
- Click the “Choose Files” button to select your PNG files. You can choose unlimited PNG files at once.
- Click on the “Convert to JPG” button to start the conversion.
- When the status changes to “Done”, click the “Download JPG” button.