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This is the free unlimited online tool which free image compressor and converts unlimited JPG images to PNG format, in one go applying proper compression methods. Unlike other services, this tool does not ask for your email address, offers bulk JPG To PNG conversion and allows files up to 50 MB.
Click the UPLOAD FILES button and select unlimited JPG files to convert to PNG there is no restriction on converting bulk JPG to PNG images you wish to convert. You can also drag files to the drop area to start uploading.
Take a break now and let our tool upload your files and convert them one by one, automatically choosing the proper compression parameters for every file.

High Quality
Convert your images to different formats without losing quality. Our tool ensures your images remain sharp and clear.

Fast Conversion
Experience lightning-fast conversions with our highly efficient tool. Convert images in seconds!

Easy to Use
Our user-friendly interface makes it simple for anyone to convert images. Just upload, select the desired format, and download!

Cross Platform
Our tool is web-based and works on any platform including Windows, Linux, and Mac. No software installation required.

Privacy Ensured
Your images are processed with end-to-end encryption and deleted automatically within 6 hours for your privacy and security.

Free Tool
Enjoy unlimited image conversions for free. No hidden fees, no registrations, and no watermarks.
How to Convert JPG to PNG?
STEP 1 Click the “Choose Files” button to select your PNG files you want to convert to JPG. You can choose bulk PNG files at once.
STEP 2 Click on the “Convert to JPG” button to start the conversion.
STEP 3 When the status changes to “Done,” click the “Download JPG” button.
Our Other Tools You May Like:
- PNG to JPG Converter
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- Image Size Reducer
Why Convert JPG to PNG?
Converting JPG to PNG enhances image quality and adds transparency. PNG files maintain high resolution and support transparent backgrounds, making them perfect for graphic design, logos, and web images.
Unlike JPG, which compresses images and can lose quality, PNG keeps your images sharp and clear. PNGs also don’t get compressed. So if you’re uploading a PNG to a service that compresses images, your PNG upload will look the same as it does on your computer.
However, converting JPG to PNG may not be ideal for printing. PNG files don’t contain CMYK information, which can make printing difficult. Keep the original JPG if you plan to print the image in the future.
To compress your JPG files, use our JPG Compressor.
How to Convert JPG to PNG for Free
- Upload Images: Drag and drop your JPG files into the “Drop Your Files Here” field, or click the “UPLOAD FILES” button. You can upload unlimited images at a time.
- Automatic Conversion: The tool will automatically convert your JPG images to PNG.
- Download Your Images: Click “DOWNLOAD” to get your PNG image, or “DOWNLOAD ALL” to get a ZIP file with all converted images.
Is it Safe to Convert JPGs to PNGs?
Yes! It is completely safe to use our tool for file conversion. Your original file remains untouched on your phone, tablet, or computer, so you can always go back to the original if needed.
Additionally, our server automatically deletes all uploaded and converted files after one hour, ensuring your data remains secure. You never have to worry about your files staying on our server for more than one hour!